Recycling and Shredding of Paper and Cardboard

Pulp is the pioneer of recycling. The recycling of paper and cardboard is of the greatest economic and ecological importance – because the more paper is recycled, the less newly cut wood is needed for paper production.

WEIMA shredders make a great contribution to the economical shredding of paper and corrugated cardboard. Strong, robust drives and rotors specially designed for shredding paper or cardboard also make it possible to process material that is difficult to shred. Our machines can handle all throughput requirements for post-consumer applications such as waste paper, cartons, files and documents, shipping packaging, and industrial production waste. This includes cardboard tubes, paper webs, paper rolls, edge trims, printing waste or paper bales.

Recycling and Shredding of Paper and Cardboard Recycling and Shredding of Paper and Cardboard Recycling and Shredding of Paper and Cardboard
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Learn more about paper waste recovery and paper recycling

Efficient shredding in the material cycle

In times of booming online trade, the sustainable disposal of corrugate and cardboard boxes is becoming increasingly important. In general, the processing of paper and paper waste is an essential part of the overall reusable material recycling – and not only for environmental reasons.

"Paper recycling is on the rise. In Europe, more than 70 % of waste paper is already being recycled".

Kay Schulte
Business Development | Paper at WEIMA

Processing production waste in a resource-saving manner

The production of paper products regularly produces a lot of waste. The production waste or production surplus, for example in the form of paper bales, paper cuttings, paper rolls or paper sheets, presents many companies with logistical challenges. In order to reduce large volumes economically, industrial shredding by means of a shredder is ideally suited. The shredded pieces can be reintegrated into production processes, e.g. of new pulp.

Efficient data destruction

The disposal of confidential documents, files and data media requires particularly secure shredding technologies. Many companies therefore have special data protection containers available for collection. These are collected by the appropriate service providers and destroyed externally, either on site or at a central location, in other words shredded.

Especially the mobile document destruction on an individually designed vehicle is in line with the trend, as it is particularly flexible. In this case, a compact WEIMA shredder is permanently installed on the loading area and guarantees full security and data protection. In addition to data in paper form, our machines also shred e-waste such as CDs, floppy disks, hard disks and USB sticks if required. The choice of different screen sizes defines the grain size of the shredded material. This enables users to offer legally certified data destruction.

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Pulper heads / rejects shredding – sustainable paper production

For a long time, pulper braids and other production waste in the paper industry were mainly disposed of in landfills. In recent years, however, their potential as a secondary raw material source has been recognized. Pulper heads consist mainly of metal wires and plastic parts that get knotted during paper production. With the right shredding technology, the materials can be recovered and reused, for example as substitute fuel in cement plants.

Pulper ropes shredding

Safety risk paper dust

Workers in the paper processing industry are traditionally exposed to high concentrations of dust and fibers. This is particularly harmful to the lungs and can cause illness. In addition, non-exhausted paper residues pose a considerable risk of explosion, which must be avoided. For this reason, we recommend the use of suitable extraction systems with filters and subsequent briquetting. If required, the compacted dust can be used as a fuel to generate heating energy within the company.

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See for yourself

The WEIMA show room is equipped with shredding and briquetting machines of all sizes and technologies. This enables us to simulate your application as realistically as possible. You have the possibility to send us your material or visit us directly in Ilsfeld. From our gallery you have the best view directly into the cutting room. So you can observe the shredding process live.

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Shredder in the WEIMA showroom

Pulper rope shredding with a WEIMA PreCut 2500

A WEIMA PreCut 2500 shredder shreds big pulper ropes from paper recycling.

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