wet grinding sludge

Presses for drainage and compression of grinding sludge

The disposal of grinding sludge regularly costs metalworking companies a lot of money. In addition, they lose equally expensive cooling lubricants, oil or emulsion, which adhere to the sludge and significantly increase the disposal weight.

WEIMA presses offer decisive advantages in the dewatering and compaction of these liquid-contaminated grinding and abrasive waste materials: The throughput is many times higher compared to briquetting. In return, machine wear is significantly lower. Acquisition and maintenance costs are reduced to a minimum. Downtimes approach zero.

Presses for drainage and compression of grinding sludge Presses for drainage and compression of grinding sludge Presses for drainage and compression of grinding sludge
dried and compressed grinding sludge on discharge pipe of a puehler press

Our bestsellers for grinding sludge applications

These drainage presses are currently particularly popular.

Dewatering presses for grinding mud | sludge | swarf

From metalworking

With the hydraulically operated WEIMA C.200 press, you dewater and compact wet grinding and drilling sludge to recover expensive cooling lubricants, oil and emulsion. The almost dry sludge can then be disposed of professionally without having to pay additionally for the weight of the liquid.

Separation of grinding sludge and coolant using a WEIMA C.200 dewatering press

WEIMA presses are characterized by their simple and robust design. The main components are thus exposed to comparatively low wear. A hydraulically operated cylinder with a press ram moves horizontally and presses the grinding sludge, fed via the hopper, into almost dry, manageable compacts with a diameter of 200 mm. These are ejected via a discharge pipe. The pressed-out liquid can be pumped off from the collecting pan below the machine.

De Rooy relies on WEIMA solutions for dewatering

The collaboration between De Rooy, Nuenen in the Netherlands, and the WEIMA Maschinenbau GmbH demonstrates how a circular economy can be implemented in metal processing. Together, they worked on a solution to not only transport and dispose of metal waste such as grinding sludge and aluminum chips in a space-saving and cost-effective manner, but also to convert them into valuable, reusable materials. The two WEIMA presses, C.200 and TH 1500, play a central role in De Rooy’s recycling process.

To the success story

A mountain full of dry grinding sludge, partly in compressed form

Almost dry grinding sludge

A drip tray for sanding sludge and emulsions after the sanding process

Collecting tray for sanding sludge after the sanding process

Risks and disadvantages of grinding slurry

Leaking tipping containers. Sticky coolant on the production floor. Among the biggest challenges are certainly the proper storage, handling and disposal of toxic grinding and drilling muds of all kinds. They can also ignite themselves under certain circumstances and also pose a health risk for employees due to strong odors and the formation of bacteria. With WEIMA presses you separate liquid from grinding dust cleanly in only one work step.

abrasive sludge with emulsion coolant inside a metal drum barrel

Bin full of grinding sludge and coolant

look inside weima press filled with grinding / abrasive sludge

Grind / abrasive sludge inside WEIMA press

Advantages compared to grinding sludge recycling by briquetting for disposal

Both technologies pursue the same goal: to dewater sludges as dry as possible and to separate the liquid cleanly.

However, if you compare the design of WEIMA dewatering presses with classic briquetting presses, it quickly becomes visually apparent: machines and plants for briquetting are designed to be significantly more complex. It is true that higher press pressures can be achieved with them. However, practice and experience have shown that for an optimal dewatering the pressing pressure of WEIMA presses is ideal – and does not have to shy away from the comparison with a briquette.

As a consequence, WEIMA presses are significantly less expensive to purchase and, due to the simple design, more wear resistant.

In addition, a pellet with a diameter of 200 mm is significantly larger than a briquette with 60, 80, or even 120 mm. This results in decisive advantages in terms of throughput.

man holding piece of dried grinding sludge above a full barrel

Dried grinding sludge | mud | swarf after compression

collection tray filled up with metal coolant

Collection tray with separated emulsion | coolant

emulsion oil coolant flowing from a metal tube

Squeezed out emulsion from metal grinding sludge

Optionally as stainless steel version against rust and corrosion

For a long service life, we recommend the particularly high-quality machine variant made of stainless steel. The machine body is thus protected against heavy wear and corrosion such as rust. For less abrasive applications, we offer standard machine variants made of galvanized or painted steel.

WEIMA C.200 press made of stainless steel

WEIMA C.200 press | stainless steel version

Did you know?
Up to 90 percent of the cooling lubricants can be recovered through compression.

Save costs by grinding sludge recycling with WEIMA presses

Sludges are underestimated by many as a valuable material. Now cleverly save disposal costs – or change from briquetting to dewatering and compaction with hydraulic WEIMA presses.

Request sludge press now Request quote

Outlook for recycling grinding sludge and dusts

Due to the high degree of contamination, grinding sludge usually has to be disposed of or landfilled at high cost. Large quantities of raw materials are thus lost and pollute our environment. For this reason, there are now a number of innovative approaches to making the waste product grinding sludge metallurgically usable again. These include the idea of using dry grinding particles in additive manufacturing (3D printing), for example. Depending on how de-oiling processes develop, the classification of grinding sludge as hazardous waste could also soon be eliminated.

pieces of dried drilling mud, sludge and slurry

Dry drilling mud after draining and compression

Trial pressing – see for yourself

We are happy to offer you the possibility to simulate your application in our facilities as realistically as possible. You have the possibility to send us your material or visit us directly in Abstatt.

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Alternatively you can send us material for testing. Click here for the form.

Squeezed coolant from grinding sludge flows out of a pipe into a catch basin

Metal coolant – cleanly separated after draining and compressing of metal grinding sludge

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