WEIMA at Eastec, Southtec, and Westec 2023

Come see all that WEIMA has to offer at booth #1132!

WEIMA, a leading manufacturer of size reduction machinery, will be exhibiting at three regional tradeshows in 2023: Eastec, Southtec, and Westec.

With a focus on the metals and machine tool industries, WEIMA will showcase size reduction equipment-- including shredders, briquette presses, and drainage presses-- that are specifically designed to meet the needs of these industries. No matter where attendees are located, one of these three shows will be nearby, providing an opportunity for them to see WEIMA's machinery up close.

The show dates are:

Eastec: May 16-18, 2023 | West Springfield, MA
Southtec: October 24-26, 2023 | Greenville, SC
Westec: November 7-9, 2023 | Long Beach, CA

Machine brochures

Machines for the machine tool industry

WEIMA has a world of size reduction machinery and scrap handling solutions for the machine tool industry and beyond!

Scroll down to learn more about the machines we’ll be presenting at the Manufacturing Technology Series shows, including Eastec, Southtec, and Westec in 2023!

CNC machine for metal

The newest technology for handling metal scrap

The WEIMA C.200 chip press is revolutionizing how machine tool businesses handle their turnings, swarf, and birds nests. From collecting and compressing to draining and fluid reclaim, this machine does it all in a single step. This machine has garnered quite a lot of interest from industry professionals that want to maximize the money they spend on cutting fluid and the time they spend moving this scrap around their plants.

The WEIMA C,200 is a one-of-a-kind machine with many unique features. See them all!

The benefits of metal briquetting

Metal manufacturing byproducts such as chips and turnings can be cumbersome to handle due to their sharpness and bulky nature. Fortunately, these materials can be easily managed by using briquetting to compress them into manageable sizes and shapes with minimal handling required. This not only enhances safety but also optimizes space through easy storage, making the material more convenient to recycle or smelt. The compressed form of scrap metal is often preferred by recyclers as it minimizes burn-off and maximizes its value.

Light alloy briquettes

Briquettes from light metal shavings

Aluminum briquette

Brikettierpresse TH 1500 brikettiert Metall Späne Briketts

Want to learn more about metal briquetting? Click here!

Metal shredding done right

Recycling metal is a highly efficient way of making use of this valuable material. However, the initial step in the recycling process involves breaking down the bulky metal into smaller, more manageable pieces.

WEIMA machinery is specifically designed to shred various types of light metals, including aluminum, magnesium, copper, brass, bronze, and steel milling waste. This shredding process is necessary to create a uniform size for further processing of the material. Among the machines that WEIMA offers, the WMS 60 is an excellent option for shredding light alloys, making them ready for recycling or further processing.

Learn more about the WMS 60

A 3d rendering of a WEIMA WMS 60 single-shaft shredder

WEIMA WMS 60 single-shaft shredder

See for yourself!

Metal waste comes in so many sizes and shapes. It originates from many manufacturing processes, which means every application needs a different size reduction solution.

More than metal recycling

Attendees are free to use our cutting-edge touchscreen display at our booth to discover more about the machinery on display as well as WEIMA’s other recycling capabilities. The possibilities don’t stop at metal– WEIMA is able to shred and briquette a variety of materials, and we have the portfolio to prove it. Come see for yourself!